Seeing a leopard in a tree with its kill is truly amazing, but when you actually get to see one pass literally within feet of you it quickly sinks in that you´ve witnessed something very special. As we headed out in the dim light of dawn on our morning safari we noticed a Thompson´s gazelle that had been carried up and left in the uppermost branches of the dead tree you see in the photos. Unforunately, no sign of the leopard. We waited around for some time, but eventually decided to come back later hoping we´d have a chance to catch a glimpse of it . On the drive back to camp for a bite to eat we swung by to take a look. With the tree on the left we could see that there was no leopard and the Tommy was gone as well. Bummer! Suddenly our driver said, "Hey isn´t that him over there?" All heads turned in unison to the right and sure enough about 20 meters away in the grass was this leopard checking us out. Cautiously he crept towards the jeep, crossed the road in back of our vehicle and disappeared in the vegetation on the other side only to emerge again before leaping up the trunk of the old tree. Positioning himself on one of the highest limbs he proudly surveyed his domain. Wanting a different angle I suppose he jumped across to the high branches on the other side then dove back down the trunk and was gone. What a show! And, by the way he acted, what a showoff!